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Personalized Demo! Wow!

Yarn galore! I honestly can’t believe what we saw and felt in this store. Fingers from so many animals, plants, and more! From the softest soybean fiber, to so many sheep’s wool, to cactus fibers…it was incredible. The store owner was amazing and gave demonstrations and allowed our daughter to get behind the spinning to create yarn. She also taught the kids how to create yarn from fibers using a hand tool. She sent us home with samples, and finished products as a result of the spinning. Absolutely incredible experience for us! When we signed the guestbook we also realized we were following my friend and her family around western Nebraska. We compared notes through our remaining western Nebraska visits and she gave us a few tips. We purchased yarn wrapped soap here and I’m excited to give it a whirl! (Laughing Lamb Fibers, Sidney) 

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Laughing Lamb Fibers